
Division of The Work



The ministry will be divided into these main areas of work:


2.Pastoral Care

3.Outreach and Evangelism

4.Religious Education

5.Life Application

Various groups already exist within the current church structure that are working in most of these areas. They are:

Deacons, Deaconess, Mission, Cheer & Welfare

These are the Pastoral Support Groups. Their functions are to assist the pastor carrying out the pastoral functions of the ministry. These include:

1.Visitation of the sick & shut-in

2.Spiritual counseling and guidance

3.Assistance for the poor and needy

4.Worship preparation and administration of the

church ordinances.

5.Evangelism and outreach

Choirs, Ushers, Deacons

These are the Worship Support Groups. Their functions are to help provide and promote an atmosphere conducive of a genuine worship experience for all the congregants. Specific functions include:

1.Securing and preparing the place of worship in a safe and comfortable manner

2.Preparing and providing such materials and supplies as are necessary for the smooth conduct of worship.

3.Leading the congregation in the act of worship through an inspired music repertoire & ministry.

4.Assisting in the collection of offerings of the congregation.

Sunday School, Bible Study, New Members, Mission

These are the Religious Education Groups. Their functions are to provide a comprehensive, practical and systematic approach to the study of God’s Word, both inside and outside of the church setting. Specific functions include.

1.Development and implementation of a comprehensive, practical and systematic approach to the study of God’s Word.

2.Promote bible reading and study in the church and at home.

3.Continual assessment of the educational needs of the congregation and implementation of such programs as are necessary to meet those needs.

4.Promote practical Christian activity in the daily lives of members.

5.Provide the physical and material means necessary to accomplish the aforementioned goals.

Youth Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Senior’s Ministry, Scholarship Committee.

These are the Life Application Groups. Their functions are to help provide spiritual support and guidance for specified groups within the church congregation, promote Christian activity in daily living, and promote interaction and fellowship among similarly situated individuals within those groups.